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Previous Publications

5 µm laser source for frequency metrology based on difference frequency generation

U. Bressel, I. Ernsting, S. Schiller

Opt. Lett. 37, 918-920 (2011)


Spectrally narrow, long-term stable optical frequency reference based on a Eu3+:Y2SiO5 crystel at cryogenic temperature

Q. F. Chen, A. Troshyn, I. Ernsting, S. Kayser, S. Vasilyev, A. Nevsky, S. Schiller


Demonstration of a Transportable 1 Hz-Linewith Laser

S. Vogt, Ch. Lisdat, T. Legero, U. Sterr, I. Ernsting, A. Nevsky, S.Schiller

Compact all-solid-state continuous-wave single-frequency UV source with frequency stabilization for laser cooling of Be+ ions

S. Vasilyev, An. Nevsky, I. Ernsting, M.Hansen, J. Shen, S. Schiller


Resonant multi-photon IR dissociation spectroscopy of a trapped and sympatheically cooled biomolecular ion species

Ch. Wellers, A. Borodin, S. Vasilyev, D. Offenberg, S. Schiller


Thermal noise of whispering gallery resonators

A. Chijioke, Q.F. Chen, A. Yu, A. Nevsky, S. Schiller


STE-QUEST - Space-Time Explorer and Quantum Equivalence Principle Space Test

K. Bongs, P. Bouyer, W. Ertmer, R. Holzwarth, L. Iess, A. Landragin, P. Laurent, E. Rasel, C. Salomon, S. Schiller, U. Sterr, G. Tino, P. Wolf


Counterdirectional mode coupling in ring resonators with QPM nonlinear crystals and effects on the characteristics of cw optical parametric oscillation

S. Vasilyev, H.-E. Gollnick, A. Nevsky, A. Grisard, E. Lallier, B. Gérard, J. Jimenez, S. Schiller

Applied Physics B 100, 737-747 (2010)


All-optical preparation of molecular ions in the rovibrational ground state

T. Schneider, B. Roth, H. Duncker, I. Ernsting, and S. Schiller

Nature Physics 6, 275-278 (2010) http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nphys1605


Laboratory test of the isotropy of the speed of light propagation at the 10-17 level

Ch. Eisele, A. Yu. Nevsky, and S. Schiller

Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 090401 (2009)


Measurement of small photodestruction rates of cold, charged biomolecules in an ion trap

D. Offenberg, Ch. Wellers, C. B. Zhang, B. Roth, and S. Schiller

Journal of Physics B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics 42, 035101 (2009) http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-4075/42/3/035101


Sympathetically cooled molecular ions: from principles to first applications

B. Roth and S. Schiller
appeared in "Cold Molecules", R. Krems, B. Friedrich, and W. Stwalley, eds., Taylor and Francis (2009)



Brodly tunable single-frequency cw mid-infrared source with milliwatt-level output based on difference-frequency generation in orientation-patterned GaAs

S. Vasilyev, S. Schiller, A. Nevsky, A. Grisard, D. Faye, E. Lallier, Z. Zang, A. J. Boyland, M. Ibsen, W. A. Clarkson

Optics Letters V 33, 13 (2008)


Translational cooling and storage of protonated proteins in an ion trap at subkelvin temperatures
D. Offenberg, C. B. Zhang, Ch. Wellers, B. Roth, and S. Schiller

Physical Review A 78, 061401(R) (2008) http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.78.061401


Einstein Gravity Explorer - a medium-class fundamental physics mission

S. Schiller, G. M. Tino, P. Gill, C. Salomon, U. Sterr, E. Peik ·A. Nevsky, A. Görlitz, D. Svehla, G. Ferrari, N. Poli, L. Lusanna, H. Klein, H. Margolis, P. Lemonde, P. Laurent, G. Santarelli, A. Clairon, W. Ertmer, E. Rasel, J. Müller, L. Iorio, C. Lämmerzahl, H. Dittus, E. Gill, M. Rothacher, F. Flechner, U. Schreiber, V. Flambaum, Wei-Tou Ni, Liang Liu, Xuzong Chen, Jingbiao Chen, Kelin Gao, L. Cacciapuoti, R. Holzwarth. M. P. Heß, W. Schäfer

Exp Astron (2008)


Ultra-narrow-linewidth continuous-wave THz sources based on multiplier chains

S. Schiller, B. Roth, O. Ricken, F. Lewen, M. C. Wiedner

Applied Physics B - , - (2008) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00340-008-3279-9


Chemical reactions between cold trapped Ba+ ions and neutral molecules in the gas phase
B. Roth, D. Offenberg, C. B. Zhang, and S. Schiller

Physical Review A 78, 042709 (2008) http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.78.042709


A narrow-line-width external cavity quantum dot laser for high-resolution spectroscopy in the near-infrared and yellow spectral ranges

A.Yu. Nevsky, U. Bressel, I. Ernsting, Ch. Eisele, M. Okhapkin, S. Schiller, A. Gubenko, D. Livshits, S. Mikhrin, I. Krestnikov, A. Kovsh

Applied Physics B - , - (2008)


A broadly tunable single-frequency cw mid-infrared source with mW output based on difference frequency generation in orientation-patterned GaAs

Sergey Vasilyev, Stephan Schiller, Alexander Nevsky, Arnaud Grisard, David Faye, Eric Lallier, Z. Zhang, A. J. Boyland, J. K. Sahu, M. Ibsen, W. A. Clarkson

Optics Letters 33, 413-415 (2008)


A crossed optical cavities apparatus for a precision test of the isotropy of light propagation

Ch. Eisele, M.Okhapkin, A. Yu. Nevsky, S. Schiller

Optics Communications 281, 1189-1196 (2008)


Overtone spectroscopy of H2D+ and D2H+ using laser induced reactions

O. Asvany, E. Hugo, F. Müller, F. Kühnemann, S. Schiller, J. Tennyson, S. Schlemmer

The Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 154317 (2007)


Low-noise tunable diode laser for ultra-high-resolution spectroscopy

K. Döringshoff, I. Ernsting, R.-H. Rinkleff, S. Schiller, A. Wicht

Optics Letters 32, 2876 (2007)


Blackbody thermometry with cold molecular ions and application to ion-based frequency standards

J.C.J. Koelemeij, B. Roth, S. Schiller

Phys. Rev. A 76, 023413 (2007)


A simple scheme for precise relative frequency stabilization of lasers

N. Strauss, I. Ernsting, S. Schiller, A. Wicht, P. Huke, R.-H. Rinkleff

Appl. Phys. B 88, 21 (2007)


Hydrogenlike Highly Charged Ions for Tests of the Time Independence of Fundamental Constants

S. Schiller

PRL 98, 180801 (2007)


Vibrational Spectroscopy of HD+ with 2-ppb Accuracy

J. C. J. Koelemeij, B. Roth, A. Wicht, I. Ernsting, and S. Schiller

PRL 98, 173002 (2007)


Molecular dynamics simulation of cold single- and multi-species ion ensembles in a linear Paul trap

C. B. Zhang, D.Offenberg, B. Roth, M. A. Wilson, and S. Schiller

PRA 76, 012719 (2007)


Motional resonance coupling in cold multispecies Coulomb crystals

B. Roth, P. Blythe, and S. Schiller

PRA 75, 023402 (2007)


Highly sensitive silicon crystal torque sensor operating at the thermal noise limit

L. Haiberger, M. Weingran, and S. Schiller

Rev. Sci. Inst. 78, 025101 (2007)


Production of ultracold diatomic and triatomic molecular ions of spectroscopic and astrophysical interest

B. Roth, P. Blythe, H. Daerr, L. Patacchini, and S. Schiller

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, S1241–S1258 (2006)


Precision Spectroscopy of Molecular Hydrogen Ions: Towards Frequency Metrology of Particle Masses

B. Roth, J. Koelemeij, S. Schiller, L. Hilico, J.-P. Karr, V. Korobov, and D. Bakalov

to appear in "Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems", Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, 2007


Rovibrational spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions at millikelvin temperatures

B. Roth, J. C. J. Koelemeij, H. Daerr, and S. Schiller

PRA 74, 040501(R) (2006)


Sympathetic Cooling of Complex Molecular Ions to Millikelvin Temperatures

A. Ostendorf, C. B. Zhang, M. A. Wilson, D. Offenberg, B. Roth, and S. Schiller

PRL 97, 243005 (2006) and

PRL 100, 019904 (2008)


High-Precision Calculation of the Hyperfine Structure of the HD+ Ion

D. Bakalov, V.I. Korobov, S. Schiller

PRL 97, 243001 (2006)


Ion-neutral chemical reactions between ultracold localized ions and neutral molecules with single-particle resolution

B. Roth, P. Blythe, H. Wenz, H. Daerr, S. Schiller

PRA 73, 042712 (2006)


Production of Ultracold Trapped Molecular Hydrogen Ions

P. Blythe, B. Roth, U. Fröhlich, H. Wenz, and S. Schiller

PRL 95, 183002 (2005)


Sympathetic Cooling of 4He+ Ions in a Radio-Frequency Trap

B. Roth U Fröhlich, and S. Schiller

PRL 94, 053001 (2005)


Production of large molecular ion crystals via sympathetic cooling by laser-cooled Ba+

B Roth, A Ostendorf, H Wenz and S Schiller

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 3673-3685 (2005)


Test of constancy of speed of light with rotating optical resonators

P. Antonini, M. Okhapkin, E. Gökl? S. Schiller

PRA 71, 05010(R) (2005)


Tests of time-independence of the electron and nuclear masses with ultracold molecules

S. Schiller. V. Korobov

PRA 71, 032505 (2005)


Long-term frequency stability and linewidth properties of continuous-wave pump-resonant optical parametric oscillators

F. Müller, G. von Basum, A. Popp, D. Halmer, P. Hering, M. Mürtz, F. Kühnemann and

S. Schiller

Appl.Phys. B 80,307-313 (2005)


Ellipsoidal Coulomb Crystals in a Linear Radiofrequency Trap

U. Fröhlich, B. Roth, and S. Schiller

Physics of Plasmas, 12. 073506 (2005)


Fabrication and laser control of double-paddle silicon oscillators

L. Haiberger, D. Jäger, and S.Schiller

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76,045106 (2005)


Optical Parametric Devices (Continuous Wave)

S. Schiller

Encyclopedia of Modern Optics, 4, 51-61 (2004)
edited by Robert D. Guenther, Duncan G. Steel and Leopold Bayvel,
(Elsevier, Oxford, 2004. ISBN 0-12-227600-0).


Ultracold Trapped Molecules: Novel Systems for Tests of the Time-Independence of the Electron-to-Proton Mass Ratio

U. Fröhlich, B. Roth, P. Antonini, C. Lämmerzahl, A. Wicht, and S. Schiller

Lect. Notes Phys. , 648, 297–307 (2004)


Experimental limits for low-frequency space-time fluctuations from ultrastable optical resonators

S. Schiller, C. Lämmerzahl, H. Müller, C. Braxmaier, S. Herrmann, and A. Peters

Phys. Rev. D, 69, 027504(4) (2004)


OPTIS—An Einstein Mission for Improved Tests of Special and General Relativity

C. Lämmerzahl, I. Ciufolini, H. Dittus, L. Iorio, H. Müller,
A. Peters, E. Samain, S. Scheithauer, and S. Schiller

Gen. Rel. and Grav., 36, 2373-2417 (2004)


Parts per trillion sensitivity for ethane in air with an OPO cavity leak-out spectrometer

Golo von Basum, Daniel Halmer, Peter Hering, and Manfred Mürtz
Stephan Schiller
Frank Müller, Alexander Popp, and Frank Kühnemann

Optics Letters, 29, 797-799 (2004)


  1. Precision test of the isotropy of light propagation

    H. Müller, S. Hermann, C. Braxmaier, S. Schiller, A. Peters

    Appl. Phys. B77, 719-731(2003)




    Proceedings: 6th Marcel Grossman Meeting Rio(2003) 


  3. Transportable, highly sensitive photoacoustic spectrometer based on a continuous-wave dualcavity optical parametric oscillator

    Frank Müller, Alexander Popp, Frank Kühnemann, Stephan Schiller

    Opt. Express, 11, 2820-2825 (2003)


  4. Electromagnetic cavities and Lorentz invariance violation

    H. Müller, C. Braxmaier, S. Herrmann , A. Peters, C. Lämmerzahl

    Phys. Rev. D, 67, 056006(8) (2003).

  5. Modern Michelson-Morley experiment using cryogenic optical resonators


    H. Müller, S. Herrmann, C. Braxmaier, S. Schiller, A. Peters

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 91(2), 020401(4) (2003).

  6. Molecular dynamics simulation of sympathetic crystallization of molecular ions

    Stephan Schiller and Claus Lämmerzahl

    Phys. Rev. A, 68, 053406(5) (2003).


  7. Testing the Foundation of Relativity using Cryogenic Optical Resonators

    H. Müller, C. Braxmaier, S. Hermann, O. Pradl, C. Lämmerzahl, J. Mlynek, S. Schiller and A. Peters

    IJMPD 11, 1101 (2002).

  8. Kinematical Test Theories for Special Relativity: A Comparison

    C. Lämmerzahl, C. Braxmaier, J. Dittus, H. Müller, A. Peters, S. Schiller

    IJMPD 11, 1109 (2002).


    W.-T. NI, ..., C. Lämmerzahl, ... S. SCHILLER

    Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 11(7), 1035 (2002).

  10. Single-frequency continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator system with an ultrawide tuning range of 550 to 2830 nm

    U. Strössner, J.-P. Meyn, R. Wallenstein, P.Urenski, A. Arie, G. Rosenman, J. Mlynek, S. Schiller, A. Peters

    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19, 1419 (2002).

  11. Optical mode characterization of single photons prepared by means of conditional measurements on a biphoton state

    T. Aichele, A.I. Lvovsky, and S. Schiller

    The European Physical Journal D 18, 237-45 (2002).

  12. All-solid-state tunable continuous-wave ultraviolet source with high spectral purity and frequency stability

    H. Schnitzler, U. Fröhlich, T. K. W. Boley, A. E. M. Clemen, J. Mlynek, A. Peters, and S. Schiller

    APPLIED OPTICS 41, 7000-5 (2002).

  13. Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared cavity leak-out spectroscopy using a cw optical parametric oscillator

    A. Popp, F. Müller, F. Kühnemann, S. Schiller, G. von Basum, H. Dahnke, P. Hering, M. Mürtz

    App. Phys. B 75, 751-4 (2002).

  14. Von der Photonenspaltung zum kontinuierlich emittierenden Universallaser

    Stephan Schiller und Jan-Peter Meyn

    Physik Journal 1, 35 (2002).

  15. Spectrometry with frequency combs

    S. Schiller

    OPTICS LETTERS 27, 766 (2002).

  16. Fundamental Physics in Space: A guide to present projects

    C. Lämmerzahl and H.-J. Dittus

    Ann. Physik (Leipzig) 11, 95 (2002).

  17. Tests of Relativity Using a Cryogenic Optical Resonator

    C. Braxmaier, H. Müller, O. Pradl, J. Mlynek, A. Peters, S. Schiller

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 010401-4 (2002).

    A. I. Lvovsky, H. Hansen, T. Aichele, O. Benson, J. Mlynek, and S. Schiller

  18. Quantum State Reconstruction of the Single-Photon Fock State
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 402-5 (2001)
  19. H. Hansen, T. Aichele, C. Hettich, P. Lodahl, A. I. Lvovsky, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller
    Ultrasensitive pulsed balanced homodyne detector: application to time-domain quantum measurements
    Opt. Lett. 26, 1714-6 (2001)
  20. T. Petelski, R. S. Conroy, K. Bencheikh, J. Mlynek, and S. Schiller
    All-solid-state, tunable, single-frequency source of yellow light for high-resolution spectroscopy
    Opt. Lett. 26, 1013-5 (2001)
  21. C. Braxmaier, O. Pradl, H. Müller, A. Peters, J.Mlynek, V. Loriette and S. Schiller
    Proposed test of the time independence of the fundamental constants a and me/mp using monolithic resonators
    Physical Review D 64, 042001-11 (2001)
  22. E. V. Kovalchuk, D. Dekorsy, A. I. Lvovsky, C. Braxmaier, J. Mlynek, A. Peters and S. Schiller
    High-resolution Doppler-free molecular spectroscopy with a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator
    Opt. Lett. 26, 1430-2 (2001)
  23. C. Lämmerzahl, H. Dittus, A. Peters and S. Schiller
    OPTIS: a satellite-based test of special and general relativity
    Class. Quantum Grav. 18, 2499 (2001)
  24. D.R. Weise, U. Strößner, A. Peters, J. Mlynek, S. Schiller, A. Arie, A. Skliar, G. Rosenman
    Continuous-wave 532-nm-pumped singly resonant optical parametric oscillator with periodically poled KTiOPO4
    Opt. Comm. 184, 329-33 (2000)
  25. C. Braxmaier, O. Pradl, H. Müller, A. Peters, J. Mlynek, and S. Schiller
    Fiber-coupled and monolithic cryogenic optical resonators
    Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements Digest (2000)
  26. I. Tittonen, G. Breitenbach, T. Kalkbrenner, T. Müller, R. Conradt, S. Schiller, E. Steinsland, N. Blanc, N.F. de Rooij
    Interferometric measurements of the position of a macroscopic body: towards observation of quantum limits
    Phys. Rev. A 59, 1038-44 (1999)
  27. R. Bruckmeier, and S. Schiller
    Properties of the linearized quantum optical bus
    Phys. Rev. A 59, 750-64 (1999)
  28. U. Strößner, A. Peters, J. Mlynek, S. Schiller, J.-P. Meyn, R. Wallenstein
    Single-frequency continuous-wave radiation from 0.77 to 1.73 µm generated by a green-pumped optical parametric oscillator with periodically poled LiTaO3
    Opt. Lett. 24, 1602-4 (1999)
  29. K. Jacobs, I. Tittonen, H. M. Wiseman, S. Schiller
    Quantum noise in the position measurement of a cavity mirror undergoing Brownian motion
    Phys. Rev. A 60, 538-48 (1999)
  30. S. Schiller, K. Schneider, and J. Mlynek
    Theory of the optical parametric oscillator with resonant pump and signal wave
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16, 1512-24 (1999)
  31. S. Schiller und Gerd Breitenbach
    Die Vermessung optischer Quantenzustände
    Physikalische Blätter 55, 39-43 (1999)
  32. K. Schneider, M. Lang, J. Mlynek, and S. Schiller
    Generation of strongly squeezed light at 1064 nm
    Opt. Express 2, 59-64 (1998)
  33. F. Kühnemann, K. Schneider, A. Hecker, A.A.E. Martis, W. Urban, S. Schiller, J. Mlynek
    Photoacoustic trace gas detection with a single-frequency continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator
    Appl. Phys. B 66, 741-5 (1998)
  34. T. Felbinger, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Oscillation in 3-photon downconversion and generation of nonclassical states
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 492-5 (1998)
  35. R. Storz, C. Braxmaier, K. Jäck, O. Pradl, and S. Schiller
    Ultrahigh long-term dimensional stability of a sapphire cryogenic optical resonator
    Opt. Lett. 23, 1031-3 (1998)
  36. R. Al-Tahtamouni, K. Bencheikh, R. Storz, K. Schneider y , M. Lang, J. Mlynek, S. Schiller
    Long term stable operation and frequency stabilization of a doubly resonant parametric oscillator
    Appl. Phys. B 66, 733-9 (1998)
  37. M. Dakna, G. Breitenbach, J. Mlynek, T. Opartny, Stephan Schiller, D.-G. Welsch
    Homodyne measurement of exponential phase momenta for quantum-phase reconstruction
    Opt. Comm. 152, 289-92 (1998)
  38. G. Breitenbach, F. Illuminati, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Broadband detection of squeezed vacuum: a spectrum of quantum states
    Europhys. Lett. 44, 192-7 (1998)
  39. J. Mlynek, G. Breitenbach, and S. Schiller
    A Gallery of Quantum States: Tomography of Nonclassical Light
    Physica Scripta T76, 98-102 (1998)
  40. K. Schneider, S. Schiller, J. Mlynek
    F. Kühnemann, A. Hecker, A. E. E. Martis, W. Urban
    Photoacoustic trace gas detection using a broadly-tunable single-frequency cw parametric oscillator
    OSA TOPS 19, 259-61 (1998)
  41. K. Bencheikh, R. Storz, K. Schneider, K. Jäck, M. Lang, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller
    Absolute frequency stabilization of a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator to the sub-kHz level
    OSA TOPS 19, 392-4 (1998)
  42. G. Ruoso, R. Storz, S. Seel, S. Schiller, J. Mlynek
    Nd:YAG laser frequency stabilization to a supercavity at the 0.1 Hz level
    Optics Communications 133, 259-62 (1997)
  43. R. Bruckmeier, K. Schneider, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Quantum nondemolition measurements improved by a squeezed meter input
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1243-6 (1997)
  44. S. Schiller, R. Bruckmeier, A.G. White
    Classical and quantum properties of the subharmonic-pumped parametric oscillator
    Optics Communications 138, 158-71 (1997)
  45. Klaus Schneider and Stephan Schiller
    Multiple conversion and optical limiting in a subharmonic pumped parametric oscillator
    Opt. Lett. 22, 363-5 (1997)
  46. G. Breitenbach, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Measurement of the quantum states of squeezed light
    Nature 387, 471-5 (1997)
  47. G. Breitenbach and S. Schiller
    Homodyne tomography of classical and nonclassical light
    J. Mod. Optics 44, 2207-25 (1997)
  48. R. Bruckmeier, H. Hansen, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Realization of a paradigm of quantum measurements:
    the squeezed light beam splitter

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 43-6 (1997)
  49. S. Seel, R. Storz, G. Ruoso, J. Mlynek, and S. Schiller
    Cryogenic optical resonators: a new tool for laser frequency stabilization at the 1 Hz level
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4741-4 (1997)
  50. K.Schneider, P. Kramper, S .Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Toward an optical synthesizer: a single-frequency parametric oscillator using periodically poled LiNbO3
    Opt. Lett. 22, 1293-5 (1997)
  51. Robert Bruckmeier, Hauke Hansen, and Stephan Schiller
    Repeated Quantum Nondemolition Measurements of Continuous Optical Waves
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1463-6 (1997)
  52. A.G. White, P.K. Lam, M.S. Taubman, M.A.M. Marte, S. Schiller, D.E. McClelland, H.-A. Bachor
    Classical and quantum signatures of competing c(2) nonlinearities
    Phys. Rev. A 55, 4511-5 (1997)
  53. K. Schneider, S. Schiller
    Narrow-linewidth, pump-enhanced singly-resonant parametric oscillatior pumped at 532 nm
    Appl. Phys. B 65, 775-7 (1997)
  54. M. Bode, I. Freitag, A. Tünnermann, H. Welling, K. Schneider, S. Schiller, J. Mlynek
    Intensity and frequency-stable light sources with high single-frequency output power in the visible spectral region
    in OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10, Adv. Solid-State Lasers, C. R. Pollock and W.R. Bosenberg, eds. (Opt. Soc. Am., 1997), pp. 50-54
  55. K. Schneider, P. Kramper, O. Mor, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Continuous-wave, single-frequency parametric oscillator for the 1.45-4 µm spectral range using PPLN
    OSA Tops 19, 256-8 (1998)
  56. S. Schiller, G. Breitenbach, R. Paschotta, and J. Mlynek
    Subharmonic-pumped continuous-wave parametric oscillator
    Applied Physics Letters 68, 3374-6 (1996)
  57. S. Schiller, G. Breitenbach, S.F. Pereira, T. Müller, and J. Mlynek
    Quantum Statistics of the Squeezed Vacuum by Measurement of the Density Matrix in the Number State Representation
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2933-6 (1996)
  58. K. Schneider, R. Bruckmeier, H. Hansen, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    Bright squeezed-light generation by a continuous-wave semimonolithic parametric amplifier
    Optics Letters 21, 1396-8 (1996)
  59. A.G. White, J. Mlynek, and S. Schiller
    Cascaded second-order nonlinearity in an optical cavity
    Europhysics Letters 35 (6), 425-30 (1996)
  60. K. Schneider, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    M. Bode and I. Freitag
    1.1 W single frequency 532-nm radiation by second-harmonic generation of a miniature Nd:YAG ring laser
    Optics Letters 21, 1999-2001 (1996)
  61. S. Schiller, R. Bruckmeier, M. Schalke, K. Schneider and J. Mlynek
    Quantum nondemolition measurements and generation of individually squeezed twin beams by a degenerate optical parametric amplifier
    Europhysics Letters 36, 361-6 (1996)
  62. R. Bruckmeier, K. Schneider, H. Hansen, M. Schalke, S. Schiller, J. Mlynek
    Continuous-wave quantum nondemolition measurements with vacuum and nonclassical meter input
    Applied Physics B 64, 203-12 (1997)
  63. S. Schiller, S. Kohler, R. Paschotta, and J. Mlynek
    Squeezing and quantum nondemolition measurements with an optical parametric amplifier
    Appl. Phys. B 60, S77-88 (1995)
  64. G. Breitenbach, T. Müller, S.F. Pereira, J.-Ph. Poizat, S. Schiller and J. Mlynek
    Squeezed Vacuum from a Monolithic Parametric Amplifier
    J. of Opt. Soc. Am. B 12, 2304-9 (1995)
  65. G. Breitenbach, S. Schiller and J. Mlynek
    81% conversion efficiency in frequency-stable continuous-wave parametric oscillation
    J. of Opt. Soc. Am. B 12, 2095-101 (1995)
  66. S. Seel, R. Storz, G. Ruoso, S. Schiller and J. Mlynek
    Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology (1995)
  67. R. Paschotta, K. Fiedler, P. Kürz, R. Henking, S. Schiller, and J. Mlynek
    82% Efficient Frequency-Doubling of 1.06 µm using a Monolithic MgO:LiNbO3 Resonator
    Opt. Lett. 19, 1325-6 (1994)
  68. K. Fiedler, S. Schiller, R. Paschotta, P. Kürz, and J. Mlynek
    Highly efficient frequency doubling in a doubly-resonant monolithic total internal reflection resonator
    Optics Letters 18, 1786-8 (1993)
  69. S. Schiller
    Asymptotic expansion of morphological resonance frequencies in Mie scattering
    32, 2181-5 (1993)
  70. S. Schiller and R. L. Byer
    Quadruply-resonant optical parametric oscillation in a monolithic total internal reflection resonator
    J. of Opt. Soc. Am. B 10, 1696-707 (1993)
  71. Ady Arie, Stephan Schiller, Eric K. Gustafson, and Robert L. Byer
    Absolute frequency stabilization of diode-laser-pumped Nd:YAG lasers to hyperfine transitions in molecular iodine
    Optics Letters 17, 1204-7 (1992)
  72. S. Schiller, I. I. Yu, M. M. Fejer, and R. L. Byer
    Fused-silica monolithic total-internal-reflection resonator
    Optics Letters 17, 378-80 (1992)
  73. S. Schiller and R. L. Byer
    Subwavelength optical magnetic-resonance imaging
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 9, 683-99 (1992)
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  1. S. Schiller, G. Breitenbach, R. Paschotta and J. Mlynek
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  2. K. Schneider, S. Schiller, J. Mlynek and P. Kramper
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    European Patent
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Journals / conference proceedings

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